Visiting Ngobaran beach at Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta and eating fish there will make your day. Ngobaran is located near to Ngrenehan beach. Ngobaran is well known with its high cliff. It’s located about 2 kilometers from Ngrenehan. You can visit the beach easily, can’t you? Local people love to enjoy its beauty, so why don’t you? Basically, Ngobaran is very exotic and beautiful beach. When it’s the perfect time, visitors can see both brown and green seaweed. It’s when the sea water falls. If you look it from the top, there will be algae growing in between the reefs. It looks like densely populated rice field.
Visiting Ngobaran Beach

Photo taken by @wachzoudin on Instagram
Moreover, there many sea species lingering around the coral reef like starfish, sea urchin, and different types of cockle shells. Ngobaran beach has uniqueness that you can’t find in others. It’s the cultural attractions. There are delicious local food and building around the beach. You can see 4 different praying places located next to each other. Perhaps it becomes the outline of multiculturalism. The most famous one is a temple-like building having god statues and white ornaments in it. It’s built in 2003 to honor Brawijaya V arrival in Ngobaran. In fact, he’s one of Majapahit’s kings. Local people who use it are the part of Kejawan belief.
More about Ngobaran Beach
‘Kejawan’ is originated from the son of Brawijaya V, which is Bondhan Kejawan. It’s believed that Bondhan Kejawan built this place and chose a person to keep it in the community. If you go to the left part of the temple, you would find traditional Javanese building, namely Joglo. This becomes the place for Kejawen to pray. If you visit the building in the perfect time, there will be many people praying. Kejawan and Kejawen are two different things. However, some people can’t differentiate it. Well, if you go straight ahead the Joglo, you can see dried plant on a stone box.

Photo taken by @wachzoudin on Instagram
The plant is impounded with wood fence. It was the place where the king made up to burn himself. He pretended to suicide in order to avoid fighting Raden Patah, who is his son. Raden Patah is the first King of Demak. However, many historians has doubted about this story. Historians don’t believe in how Raden Patah makes the violent invasion there. It would create bad image of Islam to spread their belief. You need to gather more information to make sure about Ngobaran beach’s history.
There’s a Hindu temple several meters of the dry plant. Local people use it as praying activity. Actually, there’s no further information about this temple. In front of the box, you can find a small mosque that has the size of 3x4 meters. The building is quite simple. It has the floor of sands. This mosque has uniqueness about the direction. Commonly, any mosques in this country face westwards. Yet, this mosque leads southwards. No one recognizes the reason of this uniqueness. In fact, the founder of this mosque is an important person of NU. In sum up, this beach offers different types of beauty. You can enjoy both historical travel as well as enjoying seaweed gathering in the morning. There are also tempting local cuisines around Ngobaran beach.
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