Visiting Boseong could make you find out the beautiful scene because everywhere, you can see the green land because it is covered by green tea farm. Not only that, but there are so many Cedar trees. There are also many beautiful streets in Boseong, for instance Boseong Cedar Road. In this street, there are a lot of Cedar trees. Their height is around 20 meters and planted in line in both sides of the road. If you go there, you can find out a local market that sells their local products after 300 meters. If you go straight through the local market, you will find a small water pool in the right side. Later, when you go around the water pool, you will be at the administrative building center, restaurant, and coffee shop. After passing the building, you will arrive to Daehan Dawon Tea Plantation. If you go through the building and take the left side, you will find Cedar tree again. To find out a great scene of the whole green tea farm, you have to take another side of the road, in the middle of green tea field ad there will be a stair to help you go up to the hill.

The operating hours to visit the location is around March to October at 09.00 to 19.00, while on November to February you can visit it around 9.00 to 18.00. The parking facilities is available for you that is from 06.00 to 19.00 which is free. About the admission payment, 2,000 won for adult. While, if you come with group you will get 1,500 won. For children and youth around 7 – 18 years old you can get 1,000 won as the payment. The group is required only for 30 people or up to it. If you are coming with your baby, however there will be no baby stroller rentals, and pets are not permitted.
Image source : Wikipedia, Mappingwords.com

Image source : Wikipedia, Mappingwords.com
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